Evanitas well received at local group show in Ghent

Pictures of the show: brand new body of work for the first time on display at local artists festival

Last November my brand new series Evanitas was part of a group show at a local artists festival in Ghent (Ledeberg). Over the course of two days, more than 200 people came to see the new body of work. Thank you very much for every one who payed us a visit!

You can find some pictures of the show and of the Evanitas-series here: Pictures Evanitas series.

Evanitas is an aesthetic and playful reflection on Vanitas (vanity) and on our roots. With a link to the work of Jan Van Eyck (the theme of the group show). With these pictures and installation I invite viewers to reflect on where they came from, and how our obsession with 'becoming someone' can keep us from really seeing what has given us life and has inspired us in the first place.

Evanitas series + pictures of the group show